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Enough with the Bullshit. Thoughts

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  • Enough with the Bullshit. Thoughts

    Does anyone else have issues like this? How do you deal with it?

    We have spent months battling constant abuse, pranks and name calling from the other 'local' haunted house. Last night, myself and some of my crew were enjoying dinner and some time at the mall and were constantly being 'bullied' by 3 actors from the Burial Chamber wearing their 'garb.' They called out to us each and every time they saw us - screaming "Burial Chamber is Better!" or "OBLIVION SUCKS!" Of course, we were the bigger guy and had said nothing in return.

    Recently, I spoke to the ower regarding other issues (posters being ripped down and our stacks of cards/coupons being thrown away at local businesses who had given us permission to hand them out.) As we spoke, he mentioned "I would support you more if you werent 5 minutes away from my event." Frankly - I think that is ridiculous.

    When you exit our haunt, you exit through our gift shop where we display every other local haunt's posters that had been given to us. We also have our staff distribute their coupons and offer directions to their events. We have sent numerous people to Greenbay Fear, Splatter Haus, Haunted High, Terror on the Fox, The Morgue and YES, EVEN The Burial Chamber!

    Our theory is that the more quality events there are in one location - the more people will come to that area for the attractions.We also beleive that if they have gone through our event already, why not benefit the industry in full and send them somwhere else!

    Yes we are all proud of our events. Yes we all think that our events are the best. We personally LOVE Splatter haus for their unique scares, insane sound system and are continually jealous of their engineering abilities to scare the crap out of people. We will never be a 'Splatter Haus'. We ADORE 'Terror on the Fox' for the FULL quality of their show that they produce. From the time you park to the time you exit - you are entertained. We will never have a train or the ambiance of their event. We envy that! We will never be a 'Haunted High' with their ALREADY creepy ass abandoned high school and sheer masive-ness of their event.

    I really wish some haunts would take pride in what they do and realize that we are all quality, different events. If we were all the same, what fun would it be. Also - don't go out in public shouting that your event is better, especially when you are wearing your merchandise. Not only does it display a bad image for the very event you are 'defending', but It makes YOU look like a childish ass. We will never take any action like that toward another haunt in our community. A little harmless rivalry is fun, but enough with the bullshit.
    "My day is not complete unless I have terrified a complete stranger!"

    Erick James Gyrion
    Owner - Oblivion Haunted House
    Menasha, Wisconsin

  • #2
    Forget those losers

    They just want to get under your skin because their place sucks, (and they know it) and they are child-like and insecure. Don't fall prey to their kiddy antics! You're better and more mature than that. Don't say anything bad about them. People will just try to stir the pot to see what you'll say. I had a successful dj business for 34 years. I was shambled, ridiculed, bad mouthed by all of the local supposed competition. I just ignored it. Never responded to it. I knew i had all of the good gigs that paid big bucks because i was secure in my work and had the best equipment money could buy and knew what i was doing. Forget those a-holes! I have not been to your haunt, but i can tell by your photos that your place rocks !!!!! I put up with that crap for 34 years. I have alot of experience dealing with a-holes in the dj business. Just go about your business and channel your positive energies there. (as far as i can see, you allready have.) There will always be people like that. Anytime you deal with the public, your gonna have to deal with it. You can't please everybody. Just do your best and more importantly, don't let those idiots bother you. It may be tough, but just forget about it. Remember, you are # 1!!!!


    • #3
      We have said nothing bad about them at any point. We have been nothing but supportive and excited for everyone to ahve a great season!
      "My day is not complete unless I have terrified a complete stranger!"

      Erick James Gyrion
      Owner - Oblivion Haunted House
      Menasha, Wisconsin


      • #4
        You are handling this the right way !

        You're being cordial, friendly, and willing to help out others in this haunt biz. I had the same thing happen to me with my teen night club posters being torn down. It's gonna happen. Some do it just for spite. To cause trouble. Just put more up. They'll get tired of tearing them down. You'll be ok, man... Relax.... Enjoy your dream- a great haunt!


        • #5
          Thanks. Im not stressed. More pissed off. Just wanted to see if this happens all over and what others do. Posters and flyers/coupons are time and money.
          "My day is not complete unless I have terrified a complete stranger!"

          Erick James Gyrion
          Owner - Oblivion Haunted House
          Menasha, Wisconsin


          • #6
            It happens to many haunts. And by taking a higher road, that is a good choice.

            Burial Chamber is a fantastic haunt with detail etc. And if the actors came through, just remember, you cannot judge the owner and such from some of the actors who may be taking things a bit too far.

            "The Original Haunt Industry, Halloween and Horror Podcast"

            "Bringing Halloween to Disabled and Less Fortunate Children"


            • #7
              Oh I know. I spoke with him directly. Obviously it's the actors thinking they are 'defending' their territory.
              "My day is not complete unless I have terrified a complete stranger!"

              Erick James Gyrion
              Owner - Oblivion Haunted House
              Menasha, Wisconsin



              • #8
                Perhaps start a forum for all the local haunts in the area for the purpose of promoting EVERY haunt in the area. We have a similar forum in central NC and they all work together to keep everyone in business. This is what he have. Its small and features about 12 haunts within a couple hours drive of each other.


                Once they see how it can benefit each other, hopefully the problems will disappear...


                • #9

                  Yes this has been my first year in 20 years to have to deal with this. I have had nothing but BS and lies from my old haunt to the point I am about to go off and do something that's going to cost me the rest of my life. It's a constant distraction and headache. 2 times now their crew has made it in to only scream out the name of their haunt and how bad and awsome it is. As well as cops catching them puting out flyers. I was accused of doing the same thing only to have Mike thank goodness hes a member here prove they were lying as I did not even have my flyers yet!! Unreal and all I can say is I don't know what to say. Several were in chat last night talking about this very subject. I can't offer answers because I don't know the answer myself. I just pray for the day I run into them face to face and not behind a computer and I can only pray to God above that he helps me control myself. Shane and it's hold your head high man! Shane this time.

                  P.S. I am talking with TransWorld about speaking on this very topic it should be very interesting for sure. I think lots of haunts would want to sit in on this. Good topic on how to handle abusive competition. I fully expect them to come here and try to make it out like they are all good and I am all crazy! LMAO lawd maybe we should just laugh!
                  Last edited by graystone; 10-27-2010, 11:41 PM.


                  • #10
                    same here

                    Some guys just don't get it. Newer local haunt 2 miles away puts signs at end of my road to intercept my business and then feed off those who leave my place both. Tried working with them as I firmly believe two haunts so close by would draw more people to our area. Even approached them this year to do 3 way ad with local brew pub and our two haunts. What more could you ask for 2 unique haunts with 16 beers on tap and great food afterwards. Even offered to give free fastpass at my place anyone showing me ad so people could go to new small haunt and have time for best chicken wings in area. Consequently the brewery owner also owns corner lot where my sign is..and other haunt places theres each year. Brewery & I did ad together but other haunt got ticked when owner said they could not put their signs on his property this year. Seems they wanted to let us do advertising and then be a parasite off our businesses. Then things got ugly. But I think I have open door with them again for next year.


                    • #11
                      Some haunters just don't get it!


                      That is sad that you are having to go through that. We have been blessed (as far as I know) to have some classy haunts around us. Everyone has been working together to promote the other ones and to give out each other's fliers.

                      I even had one local haunt owner (Craig from Nightmare's Gate) that showed the utlimate in respect and class. Upon realizing that his group had booked a meet and greet in a retail store right next to where we already had one set up, and on the same day, he called me personally to let me know, and he changed his plans so that it did not take away from what we had planned! He didn't have to do this, but he did, and that instantly gained my respect and friendship.

                      Also, some fellow first hear haunters from Haunt Atlanta stopped in the night before we opened to check out place out, and upon seeing that we were struggling to get our camo netting installed over our large graveyard area, they jumped right in and started helping out!

                      Haunts have to realize that it only helps to have several different types of attractions nearby. When I exit interview our customers, they always say that they are pumped up after going through our haunt, and they ask me where two or three more are nearby that they can go through!

                      It shouldn't be competition...It should be collaboration!

                      Hopefully the competitiveness will die down soon. Good luck, and I hope you have a successful Halloween Weekend!
                      Dewayne Anglin

                      Director of Operations
                      Sleepy Hollow Productions, LLC/ Folklore Haunted House



                      • #12
                        I pray this never happens to me when I start up....

                        I want to NETWORK with local haunts, not challenge them. Imagine being able to make a combo ticket with your local haunt, and capitalize on being two haunts in the same area! Why make things nasty and dirty? Why not BETTER this industry. =(

                        I'm sorry you're having to go through this.


                        • #13
                          You're doing the right thing by taking the high road.

                          Redneck has nothing to do with geography and we all have to deal with them. Stick to your ideals and do your thing, they'll eventually get what's coming without you having to serve it to them.

                          If they do absolute provable harm to your business, steal, vandalize, slander you in print - take reasonable action. Otherwise, kill em with kindness and ignore them.

                          This type of behavior is rooted in insecurity and lack of class; when leadership takes that approach it's easy for the kids that work there to slide that way too. Congratulations on having a safe and successful year and thank you for setting an example by promoting the industry in general. All boats will rise when we work together and you are part of that reality!


                          • #14
                            That's just such a wrong attitude to have. If someone goes through a good haunt they are more likely to want to visit another one that season. Just like when two or three good movies come out in one month. You don't pick just one - most people go to see all of them.

                            Everyone is right about trying to stay above it all. Like they say, wrestling with a pig only makes you muddy and the pig happy.

                            Does anyone notice that it is usually not the best haunts in an area doing this? It seems the only way some people can rise up is to try to drag others down and then step on them.


                            • #15
                              Similar Problem

                              O - I feel for you. We've been dealing with a similar problem since SUMMER of this year. Our disgruntled ex-partner has gone on a smear campaign against us all over the internet, has telephoned vendors calling us thieves, writes nasty stuff & lies about us here on the forums & facebook, and even threatens us with violence online on nearly a weekly basis (feel free to read graystone's comments above - those are pretty typical).

                              We've taken the high road long enough, however, and I now feel I have to respond to these accusations, because we're finding that if you just sit back and try to be the good guy by being quiet....some people out there start believing the crazy guy yelling all the insults. Sheri, and we're done taking it too, at Arx Mortis.
                              Arx Mortis
                              The Largest and most Intense Haunted Attraction in North Alabama

