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How do you pay?

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  • How do you pay?

    I work at a local haunt and I have a quick question on pay. We were told the other night we would all get paid at the end of the season.... This my first year working a haunt so this sounds a little shady to me. We also hardly even get a break. We all had to stand for 9 hours with less than 3 min break. Should I look for other places or is this sadly common in the haunt industry for scare actors?

  • #2
    We don't pay until the end of the season. It's a business cash flow issue. However even in our first two years when I was losing money overall I still paid all my actors. I don't get paid until everyone else gets paid first. But I could see how this policy could easily be abused by a new haunt run by non-professionals. They wouldn't even have to be shady... just ill prepared. If the haunt is established all you'd have to do is ask other returning actors. If there aren't many returning actors... well then... there's your answer. If it's a first year haunt then you are rolling the dice. Personally, I would have worked at a haunted house without pay when I started. There's a lot to learn to be a fully rounded productive actor.


    • #3
      My 16th year

      We pay actors at end of season as well. I pay construction crew part way through and end. At beginning of year there is a huge cash outlay for advertising and those new props. It will take hundreds if not thousands of tickets to pay advertising and up front cost at different haunts. The nine hours is make that assinine. Every haunt is different. Maybe suggest having a couple roving actors who work backwards through haunt to spell people for 10 minutes. Even just enough for a smoke break and a snickers. Be useful so they want you back. Once you become regular part of team you have a second family.

      If there is no regular check in or clock out and no good way they keep track of actors.....look elsewhere

      Wicked Farmer


      • #4
        Thanks for the replies, We all stood there for hours without guest. I understand it maybe a slow night but come on man! Rushed us back on set once we get backstage. We dont even have backups for cast change, Im not really likeing how hard their making us work without breaks then keeping us later than we should after we close. I will be waying my options this week but ill keep what you guys have said in the back of my mind so far

