ABOUT "Hotel del Coronado"
The Hotel del Coronado begun serving guests and tourists in 1888 and back then it was the largest hotel in the world. Since it opened, it has served numerous presidents, celebrities and even royalty. It has also been featured in a multitude of books, as well as movies. Three people were instrumental in starting the hotel, they were Elisha S. Babcock, Jacob Gruendike and Hampton L. Story. The hotel’s construction began in 1887. There were a lot of setbacks during the hotel’s construction phase. One of the biggest problems is the lack of labor and lumber in the San Diego area. This was addressed by getting an exclusive contract with one of the country’s producers of raw lumber. There were also planning mills erected on the hotel’s site. Much of the labor was also provided by Chinese immigrants living in Oakland and San Francisco. Hotel del Coronado is not only renowned for its beauty, but also for the haunting reported there. Among the hotel’s most famous ghosts is a woman named Kate Morgan who checked in in 1892. She has never checked out since then. She took her own life in the hotel after she was supposedly jilted by her husband or lover. It is said that Kate Morgan remains in her former guestroom until now, Room 3327. A lot of people have reported seeing her lovesick figure in the hotel’s rambling grounds. One of the most haunted rooms in the hotel is the resort’s gift shop. The gift shop was established in 1888 and it was originally located in the hotel’s lower lobby level. It is reported that glassware, pictures and other things in the room keep flying off from the shelves and the wall. In Room 3519, a maid was said to have hanged herself and it remains one of the most haunted rooms. Several guests have also reported mysterious temperature changes, disembodied voices, footsteps and unseen hands touching them.
1500 Orange Avenue, Coronado, California, 92118

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1500 Orange Avenue, Coronado, California, 92118
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