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What is up with RFR?????

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  • What is up with RFR?????

    Alright Deadites,

    After thousands of emails, a server crashing and a TV deal in thew works...many have emailed or called and was wondering what is up with RFR?

    So now that I have a minute it is time to address you with all the good news, things going on and more!

    Enjoy and please let us know what you think.

    1) TV Deal?

    Yes, RFR has recently in the last 14 days signed a deal with a major cable TV Network to host a 30 min. TV Series based on the haunt industry. It will cover Haunted Attractions, Conventions, Vendors, Products, Home Haunters and more.

    We have been busy with lawyers signing paper after paper to make this all a done deal. I am however limited to what I can say right now due to contractual obligations, but we WILL keep you posted. It happened because of all you Deadites! This is a core reason we have been AWOL for a while dealing with more paper work than ever.

    It will premiere in 2011.

    2) Server Crashed..Again?

    As many of you Deadites know in the past, we have had to upgrade our servers in order to accomodate all the listeners and downloads.

    As of last week Friday, we have increased listeners in the last two months by double! Due to this, the all of you faithful listeners downloaded the show at once and the server crashed as a result. We ended up getting the show fixed and up by Monday night and continued to fix the server until late on Thursday.

    We are currently looking for a Major Web Sponsor of the show to help offset these costs and to bring you the best show each week on a secure server.

    3) Website updates?

    Daily news will resume hourly on Monday once again.

    4) RFR2: 24/7 Station?

    This is still a reality and WILL debut this year. We are looking for exclusive sponsors to help make that effort easier. But fear not is will be coming.

    5) Conventions.

    RFR is attending and vending at over 30+ events this year so be on the look out for us and if not at a booth, then for the RFR Crew.

    6) RFR 5th Anniversary.

    RFR turns 5 in October. YES 5 years bringing you all the news, celebrities, coverage and more. And YOU made it happen. For our 5 year you can expect many things to come to the site, the show, and more. We cannot say it all, but be prepared!

    7) RFR Casket Crew.

    They are the hardest working team I know of! We will be bringing more of the crew to you soon. The Crew will soon become more active to the RFR community than EVER! So now you can get to know the team more that you hear each week on RFR.

    8) Family time.
    Family Time is the most important no matter what we do. We do LOVE you Deadites and the Haunt industry, but we also make it a point to spend that quality family time even through all these changes and fun things to come to RFR. We know you already understand that one.


    RFR has been in a major shift for the better and thank you all for being there since the beginning to the Original Haunt Industry show since 2005! It is because of you that we are still here and growing!

    If you are interested in helping with RFR in anyway, or are a business interested in the above topics email me:


    "The Original Haunt Industry, Halloween and Horror Podcast"

    "Bringing Halloween to Disabled and Less Fortunate Children"

  • #2
    ...and don't think we're not grateful and appreciative of all the hard work you put into it...


    • #3
      Please bring...................

      lots of SWAG and RFR giveaways to NATIONAL HAUNTERS CONVENTION. You have lots of FANS and LISTENERS here in the Philly area who want to meet you and be part of the show! Looking forward to it ! Thanks for this detailed update, we all know you're busy! Congrats on the TV gig. You better secure "UNCLE LARRY" and SHANE DABBS NOW before their talent fees go up. You're gonna want them on your TV show staff as co-hosts and such.

