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Relay for Life Haunt Progress Thread!

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  • Relay for Life Haunt Progress Thread!

    Hey Everyone!

    I figured since most of you guys are only open in October, it might be interesting to see a haunt progress thread for a haunt that is open only in May!

    I design, operate, and lead a team of dedicated college kids like myself to create an 1,800 sq ft haunted attraction all in under 12 hours.

    Relay for Life has been at Southern Connecticut State University for 6 years, this is year 7 and so far we have raised an astonishing $190,000 for the American Cancer Society! The haunt is the LARGEST on-site fundraiser for this event and it is even open to the public.

    Last year we built wall panels out of wood and used wall covering rolls from as the scenery, just to save time. Well this year is a little different, we obtained an INCREDIBLE sponsor (Chimera Enterprises) who is donating the use of two scAIR structures, providing a total of 1,800sq ft and a very quick set up. This is going to allow us to create better creatures with insane make-up and costumes, as well as a higher quality attraction because we can spend more time on details and all that fun stuff!

    This attraction takes a TON of time, blood, sweat, and tears to get up and running and it is definitely a large undertaking and we work our schedule down to the SECOND to make sure we can open on time (the same day we build) and pass all building and fire codes. Oh, not to mention we have almost no budget. Everything is donated from incredible people and companies (most of which are on this very forum). I'll create a thank you post when we get closer to opening and I can list all of the sponsors at once.

    Honestly, to everyone who has donated, is donating, or who is supporting our venture, you are really making an impact on peoples lives and providing us with a better attraction, every little bit helps and every single one of you guys are INCREDIBLE and I cannot thank you enough!

    So that's it for the first post, attached are a picture of (most) of last years cast, and as May comes around I promise to show and share the cool new developments, and hopefully not any bad news (fingers crossed!)

    Thanks for reading!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    12 Hours!?

    That's insane! I couldn't imaging setting up my 500 sf home haunt in anything less than a week! You must have a very dedicated crew!!

    Hope everything works out for you!
    *Sigh*I can't wait til' October


    • #3

      Thats awsome man! Shane and it's keep us posted! Shane


      • #4
        Yeah, 12 hours! Lol. We built all the wall panels in advance last year, and had them in order so we could just set them up. To save time we made 8x8 walls instead of 4x8, we had maybe 38 8x8 panels and another 12 4x8 panels, I think. Don't hold me to that number lol, last years haunt took only 2-3minutes to walkthrough, this years will be closer to 7-8 minutes, a big increase. Were setting it up all differently, more advanced scares thanks to some awesome donations and so much more. The people who donate make up a VERY large part of whether the show will be good or not, and despite hard times, this year is going pretty well, I'm really excited!

        And the team is entirely volunteers, just like me, and they bust their BUTTS without any breaks to get this up, the only time they have to breath is when they get their makeup done. It's incredible what they do, for absolutely free and no reward at all. Last year a sponsor donated a bunch of haunted household items to them, but the mail apparently lost it according to the guy....but their postal service location was flooded and a ton of stuff was lost in that so it's to no fault of his, I'm glad I didn't tell them about it haha.


        • #5

          Just wanted to share a few quick updates. I'm extremely excited to have on board two mega media empires, this attraction is getting a bunch of attention this year thanks to help from local radio station KC101 and television station WTNH. Currently talking to both (who are the biggest radio and tv stations in CT) about their coverage and help in this endeavor. Definitely really excited, we even got some cool costumes and a great budget "Rat Trap" animatronic, for our ray room, and it's a pretty neat prop and it runs on a regular power supply!

          The PM's and emails are appreciated! Will post a list of all sponsors when we get closer, there is a great feeling of caring on these forums, so many great people and it is really appreciated!


          Ps-we have a tax ID number so you can claim your donations


          • #6
            I'd just like to take a quick second to acknowledge some of our sponsors for this year,

            Chimera Enterprises (

            Donating a scAIR haunt and scAIR chamber! Plus props and over-sized costumes.


            Donated blood and an incredible silicone mask.

            Froggy's Fog

            Once again is an incredible company, and supplying all of our fog fluid! (and we go through a LOT for one weekend in May)

            In addition to companies, some people have donated who are home haunters and haunt owners, but I didn't ask permission to post their names, so I won't. But thank you guys so much! You know who you are, and we are extremely grateful for each and every little or big thing donated. Every little bit helps!

            For anyone with old, unwanted, or no longer needed props, costumes, netting, lights, anything that can be used in a haunted atmosphere (this year our theme is a dark Victorian mansion, with a very large family graveyard in the back!) Donations are a tax-write off, and I'll gladly give you the paper stating you donated with the tax number on it as soon as you tell me somethings on it's way! You guys are extremely helpful, and we cannot thank you enough for the support we are getting from this awesome HauntWorld crew!


            • #7
              Just about a month away! I want to thank everyone for their support, it is greatly appreciated! Our plans passed inspection and were approved. It was a big sigh of relief, all that's left is to set it up and pass inspection in under 12 hours. If not less, we won't be able to start till 10am and have to open around 8pm (I might need to push that's kind of impossible) but if any crew can do it, our volunteers can!

              We are still accepting donations of used or new props/costumes/anything and it is a tax write off, I have the paperwork for you.

              Thanks so much for everyone's support, this is gonna be a great May haunt! Any hauntworld member in or near CT hit me up if you would like to go through the haunt or act in May!



              • #8
                Sounds awesome! It's great to see you using your talents for change. Nice job!
                *Sigh*I can't wait til' October


                • #9
                  Thanks! But it isn't just me, I have an incredible team of about 20 volunteers who help set up and take down as well as act. I'm just the nuisance who asks for donations, designs the layout, and hopes everything works out! Haha. I'll pass the thanks onto the crew!

                  Question, to anyone reading this, we're trying to do a fundraiser to actually go towards our personal fundraising, would anyone be interested in creepy dolls for like $5 a pop? Or $50/dozen? Just trying to think of some unique ideas for personal fundraisers. PM or comment, I'd appreciate any feedback!

