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Money Transport System ?

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  • Money Transport System ?

    Our ticket booth is located in a 10 x 20 booth away from any other buildings. The issue of security has always been on my mind. We have cameras trained on the back door, inside and the front as well as the sheriff deputy stationed at the ticket booth. However, that will not always stop a criminal.

    I have been researching for a way to get the boo bucks out of the booth without having to open the door. My theory is if the money is not in the booth then no one can steal it in the first place.

    I have found a company that makes an Autovac tube system like you see at the banks. But I wanted to ask if any of you have found a solution for this need in your ticket booth. You can surf on over to to see the system I was looking at. This would be a solution to get the money out of the ticket booth and into a secure building quickly.
    Tony Wohlgemuth,
    Comes up with the fun stuff!
    Kersey Valley, Inc.

  • #2
    I use a chromed wheelbarrow to take my money up to the bank three blocks away, think about it. Would you , if you were a crook, mess with a guy happily wheeling a chromed wheelbarrow up the street full of cash?
    "Looks like a trap to me Jed, we better back off, that guy is totally crazy, he might rip us apart with his little pinky, then slowly eat us, one bite at a time!"


    • #3
      Hi Tony, the other Tony here. For a more fascinating bit of fun, why not go for an older cash carrier system, and make a production of it?

      Have the cash carrier dressed up like a ghoul or floating ghost, and it goes over up above to the safe house then returns back. Can be delightful fun to watch...

      Those were always fascinating to me, at least...

      just the steampunk side of me...
      The word for the day is NPD. Check it out.


      • #4
        I tought that the whole point of stopping/preventing a robbery was that no one result injured.
        I don't know how'z the thing in America, but in Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hong Kong and Russia, when you get robbed and you have no money the criminal usually gets pissed off and sometimes shoot or stab you.
        Before protecting the money (that always can be replaced) the priority should be protecting human lives and that's what most employers all around the world don't care.
        Where I work (the day job) two businesses on the sides and a delivery truck were robbed the same year, I think it's about time to get a robbery to where I work (I really hope this NEVER happens) and I am always asking the bosses to leave at least 10 dollars so the robber don't go away empty handed (and pissed off) but the fricking cheap asses don't want to. I am always hearing on the radio about people who get shot or stabbed just because they are robbed and they don't have money so for me as an employee, this is SCARY.


        • #5
          This county I live in has very few young or younger people living here so the crime rate is very low.
          Many years ago a gas station safe was burned by a torch as the burglar tried unsuccessfully to "Crack" the safe. criminals around here have pretty low mental scores in "Life 101", the piece of paper taped to the door of the safe gave the combination.
          When I worked in a store the store owner's insurance company told him to leave the register drawers open at night with a $20.oo bill as the theive's "reward".
          It could get expensive replacing cash registers after a crowbar bent the cash drawer .
          No theif ever stole nearly as much as the store owner stole lying to his bookkeeper about loss of inventory from theft (shoplifters) A $300.oo a month write-off in 1959 meant every piece of penny bubblegum in his store and the warehouse must have been stolen!


          • #6
            I don't follow your business logic. You would leave $100,000.00 dollars in your ticket booth to keep the crook happy.

            Saftey is the upmost importance, but leaving the cash in the ticket booth makes no sense at all. I would rather see the ticket booth with a few hundred dollars than one stocked full of cash.
            Tony Wohlgemuth,
            Comes up with the fun stuff!
            Kersey Valley, Inc.


            • #7
              I never said anything about a ticket booth. I work at a printing shop and I am a designer, 3 secretaries and a store tender (all at the same time). The store tender part is the one that involves crooks and I wasn't asking $100,000.00 dollars to keep happy the crook, but 100 pesos (about 10 dollars) and yeah, I give a crap about this greedy azzwholes and their stinkin' money, I've much rather give up everything here than end up oozing gray matter throug a bullet hole in my forehead.
              The whole point of leaving some money in the store or in your case ticket boot is that the robber take whatever he want and go away instead of stay and cause damage to your people and probably the business too.

              I guess you never have been gun-point-robbed, the robber will do whatever it takes to get the money, cause most of them are junkies whose brains are fried by drugs and they are violent and needey and they just don't care about you or your family.


              • #8
                Originally posted by redcrowdesign View Post
                The whole point of leaving some money in the store or in your case ticket boot is that the robber take whatever he want and go away instead of stay and cause damage to your people and probably the business too.
                Ohh, I almost forgot, you keep the 100.000 dollars or whatever in a safe, underground, below the ticket boot, and you can also use the 10 dollars or whatever to pretend you got robbed by the crook, you give that money to him and say that's all, that your boss just took the majority of the money, the whole money is safe and the crook think he robbed you.

                I would be more happy and calmed if we burn in a giant oven all the hardcore criminals instead of putting them in a jail, it's just better than wasting your taxes in paying their lifes in the jail. They should pay US for making our lifes a living hell, and for fearing everyday to go outside because of the loose maniacs.


                • #9
                  I personally don't want to leave any money in the ticket booth. On the other hand we have police that work near the ticket booth on weekends anyway, so I don't expect to get robbed but you never know.

                  Tony, so you're saying you want to have a thing like at a bank where it sucks the money to another location? So would you run this tube under the ground? How far will it travel? How much does it cost?

                  Larry Kirchner


                  • #10
                    It's called pneumatic mail:


                    pretty neat thing, but it costs a lot cause you need to have running the compressed air system all the time (in most models)


                    • #11
                      First thing that comes to mind is that you might just be moving the problem from one place to another. Sure the booth is an obvious and easy target with teller windows etc... but would your “secure building” have a guard posted at it also? Are there always people around the other building? Is it really that much more secure? Please don’t answer these questions on the internet they are just things to think about.

                      As someone once said, locks and security systems just keep the honest (or maybe it was dumb) people out.

                      If you really wanted a way to move the dough trying to make an air tube system could be a nightmare. I’ve been involved in business cabling projects LAN, voice, etc and they use pull wires through a tube to run new wires, I even put this in my house when I remodeled to make future wiring easier. You could run PVC with a cable system inside the PVC and just pull or reel the cash from one place to another.

                      Jeff Londos
                      Innovators in Haunt Technologies
                      Jeff Londos
                      Innovators in Haunt Technologies
                      Proud Member of the Halloween and Haunt Vendor Association


                      • #12
                        Friction would be low inside of the plastic tube so possibly electricity and compressed air (and valves) could be traded for trained squirrels on harnesses, just open the end of the pipe and act like a nut. "Here they come!"
                        That is why there is a double finishing loop on the recieving end, squirrel decompression......


                        • #13

                          I like the trained squirrel idea! I think I’d still use a little compressed air anyway just to see how fast I could get them moving!

                          Jeff Londos
                          Innovators in Haunt Technologies
                          Jeff Londos
                          Innovators in Haunt Technologies
                          Proud Member of the Halloween and Haunt Vendor Association


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Monster-Tronics View Post
                            First thing that comes to mind is that you might just be moving the problem from one place to another. Sure the booth is an obvious and easy target with teller windows etc... but would your “secure building” have a guard posted at it also? Are there always people around the other building? Is it really that much more secure? Please don’t answer these questions on the internet they are just things to think about.
                            As a matter of a fact any internal leak could lead to a successful robbery, independantly of where you keep your money.
                            This year we had dozens of bank robberies, in most of them the robbers had a contact inside the bank.

                            You can also put one of those safes that work as a piggy bank in the booth, you put the money in a cradle and spin it with a crank and it falls inside the vault and you can't take it out (not even the employees) untill you open it with a special key. That device is very used here. Altho the crooks point guns at people so they open it... so I guess it is not THAT safe.

