ABOUT "Pumpkinland"
PUMPKINLAND How it All Began
It seems like we have been growing pumpkins forever. When our children were growing up, Dave always enjoyed growing a few pumpkin plants in our garden, especially the very large variety. In 1988, when our children, Sherry, Kelly, and Darren were still in high school and middle school, we had harvested a few pumpkins out of our garden and set up a corn shock with the pumpkins by the edge of the garden. We had people stopping to ask if those pumpkins were for sale. Our children came up with the idea that the next year they would grow and sell pumpkins, and they sold about 70 pumpkins off of our front step. Cornshock
For Sale
Over the next several years, Dave and I made the decision to try to intentionally grow this business, and went from selling produce off of a hayrack parked in front of our house, to selling out of our garage. In those early days, we often used the honor system, leaving a little sign and a lot of trust. What started out as our kid's project turned into a family project. In 1996 we put up a new Morton Warehouse, which we are currently using for our PUMPKINLAND business.
Here is an aerial view of our farm and and one of our early corn mazes. Mazeland
Dave and Helen with grandchildren Kelsey, Karli, and Colin. Our grandchildren have always referred to us as their "Grandpa & Grandma Pumpkin". In addition, many of their little friends also claim us as their "Grandpa & Grandma Pumpkin". G & G Family
When they are not at PUMPKINLAND, you might find "Grandpa & Grandma Pumpkin" cruising in their orange PT Cruiser.
Our corn maze is an activity that all ages can enjoy: young families pushing a stroller, youngsters, teenagers, young couples, middle aged adults, or even 70-80 year old "kids".
Our corn maze is approximately 7 acres. If you were to walk every path in the maze, you would walk approximately 1 mile. When planning your trip to PUMPKINLAND, allow 45 minutes to 1 hour for the maze.
Our 2013 Corn Maze features a stegosaurus dinosaur.
In 2012 our Corn Maze was a picture of a cow jumping over the moon.
2012 Mazeland
For an extra challenge you can look for the hidden mailboxes. If you find them all you will receive a treat from our concession stand. If you would like to schedule an after dark trip through the maze give us a call at 712-737-8364, and don't forget to bring your flashlight!
Down on our farm you'll find llamas, goats, sheep, turkeys, ducks, geese, peacocks, exotic chickens, kittens, puppies, bunnies, and even a painted turtle.
"Cliff the Goat" is the star of the book "I'm the Only One Who Loves Cliff the Goat" written by Lisa Laird and illustrated by Hannah Jorgensen, both of Orange City. Cliff, a pygmy goat, lived with Lisa Laird and her family on the edge of town from spring 2003 through summer 2005. For the first year, Cliff was "a good little goat". But, then Cliff decided he did not like being confined, and started getting into trouble. All of the things described in Lisa's book actually happened and it finally became obvious that to keep peace in the neighborhood, Cliff could no longer stay with the Lairds. So 2 1/2 years into Cliff's life, he returned to the Huitink's farm where he was born, and back to PUMPKINLAND. Now, Cliff receives lots of visitors who have read the book, and want to meet the mischievous goat.
Alan, Lisa's husband, and Lisa also wrote a book entitled "Cows Can Be Scary". Lisa provides family and children's entertainment with her friends at "Pockets Full of Fun". Lisa's programs are fun-filled with ventriloquism, magic tricks, stories, and music which will entertain, encourage, and educate.
Check out Lisa Laird's web site at www.pocketsfulloffun.com.
4123 Jackson Avenue, Orange City, Iowa, 51041
PUMPKINLAND sells many varieties of pumpkins from the miniature to the giant, all sizes, shapes, and colors, either already picked or pick your own.
We raise and sell over 30 varieties of squash including: Butternet, Acorn, Sweet Dumpling, Delicata, and Spaghetti. We have miniature and large ornamental corn, broom corn, sorghum, popping sorghum, popcorn, and strawberry popcorn.
We sell apples from a local orchard, watermelons, gourds, and dried gourds.
We offer for sale a large selection of assorted fall crafts, decorated pumpkins, and painted pumpkins. We also sell paint sets, carving sets, and coloring books.
We also offer a large variety of jams, jellies, and preserves. In addition, we have pumpkin butter, apple butter, ice cream toppings, salsas, pretzel dips, and more.
Baked daily, we have fruit pies, pumpkin pies, pumpkin bars, pumpkin breads, and cookies.
*Our selection may vary from day to day due to demand.
Pumpkinland VIDEOS
Pumpkinland PHOTOS