ABOUT "Fort Hill Farms, LLC"
Each year our farm hosts our annual Corn Maze Adventure which is not like any corn maze you've ever been in! Every year we create an "agricultural adventure" on our farm.Visitors to the 6+ acre maze in Thompson, Conn. receive a game sheet as they enter and search for clues among the corn stalks. Along the way, they will learn about farmland preservation issues and solutions like sprawl, sources for local food, the Connecticut Farmland Trust and open space. The Farmer's Cow and Fort Hill Farms Corn Maze Adventure and Mini Moo Labyrinth are now open at Fort Hill Farms daily through November 4th. The Mini Moo Labyrinth is designed for people of all ages with wide paths for strollers and includes a Finger Fortune Game! Come to The Farmer's Cow Corn Maze Adventure Celebrate the Harvest Festival on Saturday, September 7th, 1-4 pm. Thousands from across New England (and many foreign countries) celebrate local agriculture with our "The Farmer’s Cow" maze. The 2013 maze will be recycled and turned into The Farmer's Cow milk. The corn is chopped and fed to our cows, who then in turn give us the milk. How's that for getting the most out of what nature gives you? 2011 Corn MazeAs always, when you enter the maze you'll be given a game sheet, and as you walk the paths you can look for interesting facts about local farms. By working together you will solve the Ma
260 Quaddick Road, Thompson, Connecticut, 06277

Corn Mazes

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Visit the future cows of The Farmer's Cow at our Calf Barn. They live in a greenhouse-like structure that keeps them warm and helps them grow big and strong. There are other barnyard friends too at Fort Hill Farms including hens, a peacock, a horse, goats, and other surprises! Just stroll around the greenhouse behind the creamery and you never know what you might find. The Ice Creamery is currently open daily till 8pm selling The Farmer's Cow ice cream & coffee and selling other The Farmer's Cow products such as milk, coffee beans, eggs and seasonal beverages. Made with our own special recipes right here in Connecticut, The Farmer's Cow ice cream is a super premium ice cream for you to enjoy! You can also always buy pints of your favorite flavors to take home. The Creamery also sells the entire line of The Farmer's Cow products including milk, heavy cream, half and half, eggs, seasonal cider, lemonade and iced tea. Plus we have dried lavender and other items from our gardens. Don't forget, we also have great lavender gifts made with lavender grown in our Quintessential gardens - perfect for a gift. While enjoying the ice cream, be sure to stroll to the greenhouse behind The Creamery and visit our dairy calves! These are the cows that will one day be giving us the milk and cream to make more ice cream. Join our Scooper's Dozen Loyalty Club at The Creamery. Get One Free Scoop for Every 12 Scoops Purchased! Just ask for a card.


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260 Quaddick Road, Thompson, Connecticut, 06277
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