Pick your own pumpkin patches in Wekksburg Iowa, find all the information about one of the biggest Halloween Attractions, in Wekksburg Iowa with pick your own pumpkins, hayrides, corn mazes and more at www.HalloweenAttractions.com
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What started as a hobby in 1999 has grown into a business for our family. Solsma's Punkin Patch is a great place for a fun fall family outing! When it comes to fall, we have it all! Fall produce, gourmet popcorn, corn maze, country store, and good fun are what you'll find. Our patch has grown every year and we enjoy meeting new friends from all over the country. In 2008, we had visitors from 29 s... [Read more]
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You won't find a better family Halloween experience than the one you will find at Hawk Valley Garden! We pride ourselves on our ability to make Halloween fun for everyone in the family - from young to old! Hawk Valley Garden is family owned and operated roadside pumpkin stand that opens first week of September.....just in time for the annual Clay County Fair. We are open all week for the Clay Coun... [Read more]
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Take a stroll through the corn maze, play on the bail and tire maze, human hamster roll, and lots of fun in the corn box. Good assortment of pumpkins, gourds, squash, ornamental corn, and lots of fall/Halloween decorations to purchase. You must try Mom's Baked Goods-pies, bars, and bread made from our very own Pick-a-Pie pumpkins.
- 25 Web reviews
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