ABOUT "Celebrate Samhain"
Celebrate Samhain – a festival commemorating the origins of Halloween – seeks to provide a fun and enlightening experience for the whole community. Celebrate Samhain is an indoors event. If it's raining, escape the wet and spend the day exploring, shopping, feasting, and celebrating! Don't miss this once-a-year opportunity to connect with community and discover and honor the magic in your life and around you! Filled with magic, music, crafts, and merriment, Celebrate Samhain offers something for everyone! Observe the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain in a traditional, earth-centered ceremony that honors our ancestors and those who have gone on before.
Main St. & Summer St., Peterborough, New Hampshire, 03458

Pumpkin Patch

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Live music, intuitive readings, participatory Samhain ritual, workshops, make-and-take crafts, food, and more. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS The following schedule is current as of 10/15/09 and is subject to change. 10:00 Festival Opens 11:00-11:45 Dawn Hunt "Kitchen Witch Workshop" 12:00-12:45 Jimahl Di Fiosa "Spirit Communication" 1:00-1:45 Karagan "Chanting: The Ancient Art of Sound" 2:00-2:45 Kevin Ross Emery "Meeting Your Spirit Guides" 3:00-4:00 The Gypsy Nomads 4:30-5:30 Christopher Penczak "The Witch's Shield: Protection Magick and Psychic Self Defense" 5:45-Close Samhain Ritual (Lyrion and Raven Ap Tower)

Celebrate Samhain is an all-ages celebration of the final harvest and ancestors past – filled with magic, music, crafts, and merriment. Be entranced by the bewitching music of a gypsy troupe; browse the wares of mystical vendors; learn something new in a variety of free talks and workshops; make and take home your own magical crafts; enlist a reading by a gifted intuitive; drum, dance, or sit and be enchanted by Druid storytelling; and observe the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain in a traditional, earth-centered ceremony that honors those who have gone on before... - October 25, 2008


$2 or donation of nonperishable food

All Ages

For directions please visit www.CelebrateSamhain.com.


Celebrate Samhain PHOTOS

Main St. & Summer St., Peterborough, New Hampshire, 03458
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