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ABOUT "Aura Haunted House"
Aura Haunted House returns for the 2023 Haunt Season! Located in the Old Peoria State Hospital Historic District at 4500 Enterprise Drive, Bartonville Illinois in the Historic Pollak Hospital Building. The historic Pollak Hospital building was built in 1949 to care for patients with tuberculosis at the Peoria State Hospital. The Peoria State Hospital, originally named the Illinois Asylum for the Incurable Insane, was operated by the State of Illinois from 1902 until 1973. Completed under the direction of Dr. George Zeller, the hospital was designed as a cottage system of 63 buildings. Among these buildings was the Pollak Tuberculosis Hospital Building. During the years of operation, the Pollak Hospital saw hundred of patients pass away from tuberculosis. According to stories and eyewitness accounts, including paranormal investigations, some of the people who passed on, remained behind at the Pollak Hospital to walk the hallways. You can still feel the AURA of these people within the Pollak Building to this day! You Are Never... Alone! Aura Haunted House Haunt Season 2023 Dedicated In Memory of Jim "Wiz" Wisner #HauntedPeoria #AuraHauntedHouse #HauntedHouse #HauntedAttractionAssociation #Top10Haunt #Halloween #PeoriaStateHospital #PollakHospitalBuilding
4500 Enterprise Drive, Bartonville, Illinois, 61607

Haunted Houses

Recommended for Guests 12 and over (SCARY)

Haunted House
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Ticket And Price Information
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GENERAL ADMISSION: $30.00 FAST PASS: $45.00 NOW PASS: $60.00 (Only Available On-Site, takes you to the front of the line)
September 29, 30 7p-10p October 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28 7p-11p October 31 HALLOWEEN (Blackout Night) 7p-10p November 3, 4 (Blackout Night) 7p-10p

4500 Enterprise Drive, Bartonville, Illinois, 61607

We reserve the right to refuse admission to anyone. No Refunds or Exchanges.

You will experience intense audio and lighting, extreme low visibility, and a physically demanding environment.

You should not participate if you are under 10 years of age, are pregnant, have claustrophobia, heart or respiratory problems.

You will not be admitted if you appear intoxicated or are wearing any form of temporary cast, medical brace or crutches. No photography or videography is allowed. No Smoking. No lighters. No drinking or eating in the attraction. No Halloween type masks allowed. No flashlights. No profanity. No touching of actors or staff. No alcohol allowed on the premises. No pets. No cell phone use while in the attraction.

Your ticket is a revocable license and may be taken up and admission refused. Holder of this ticket understands that there is inherent risk involved with attending these events. Holder voluntarily assumes all risks and dangers associated with participating in these events. In consideration and acceptance of entrance, holder agrees to release the operator. its parent corporations, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, volunteers, and landlord from any liability, harm, injury or death, cost or expense whatsoever that may arise directly or indirectly from attending these events.

No Refunds or Exchanges! No Exceptions!

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