ABOUT "Scare Station"
In space no one can hear you scream. Leigh High School's 14th Annual Haunt: Scare Station is creeping up to bring you more scares than before. Come and escape the space station that our human crew members were not so lucky with. Shows run from 7pm-10pm (last admittance at 9:45pm)
On the 19th and 26th we will be offering family friendly for as young as 8 years of age. This show is intended for younger audiences and will not include gore makeup, pop scares, and tech scares. Children under 13 may come in costume but may not bring props, and no costume masks allowed.
For more information please check out leightheaterarts.com/scarestation
Haunted Houses
Recommended for Guests 12 and over (SCARY)
Haunted House
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Ticket And Price Information
Adults $15 Students $13. Proceeds go to benefit the theater program at Leigh High School
Rules & Warnings:
No loitering to scare other patrons
Strobe lighting, and claustrophobia tunnels may be used - If a bypass is needed please let us know before you enter.
If you exit through an emergency door you will not be allowed re-entry without purchasing a new ticket
No smoking - Leave it to the fog machines
No filming/photography - We don't want our spooks trapped.
Stay on the path and don't touch the spooks - They really don't like that!
No costumes/props/masks - Leave that to the actors