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Are you searching to find the creepiest, scariest, REAL haunted houses in America? Look no further than our list of the Top 10 Scariest REAL Haunted Houses in America 2011. Hauntworld.com is your home for all things haunted houses: finding best haunted houses, real haunted houses, paranormal ghost hunting, ghost tours and much more. Each year Hauntworld.com creates a list of the best haunted houses in America. However, this year we are focused on the best REAL haunted houses in America. Have you ever explored a haunted place and wondered if you’ll make it out alive? Hauntworld.com has come up with the ultimate list of the best REAL haunted houses in America which reside in REAL haunted locations whereby the owners of these properties have turned them into commercial haunted houses. AFTER YOU REVIEW THIS LIST CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT WHAT HAUNTED HOUSES WE RATED AS THE SCARIEST HAUNTED HOUSES IN AMERICA 2011. CLICK HERE
So there you have it, Hauntworld.com offers you a list of the best and scariest REAL haunted adventures for 2011. Please join our facebook page CLICK HERE and join the discussion of what is the best real haunted houses, best haunted houses, best haunted hayrides, and best amusement park haunted houses in America.
Websites to Find Real Haunted HousesAnother Really Nice site to find real haunted houses. This site had tons of links and links to real haunted houses. Another page on Shadowlands that show you the most famous haunted places. This site also lists real haunts by state. Another cool site that lists real haunted houses. A super cool list of some of the favorite haunted places in California Haunted Places in Missouri Haunted Alton some say most haunted place in America Haunted Happenings in Ohio Ghost Tour Haunts of Richmond http://www.hauntsofrichmond.com Haunted Happenings in Texas List of Pacific Northwest Haunted Places Haunted Places in San Diego Haunted Places in Indiana Pretty cool site about haunted places in Ohio Haunted Castles and Haunted HotelsLists of haunted castles and hotels in England. More haunted castles in Britain Haunted Hotels and Castles in Europe Nice site with listings about castles in Scotland About.com list of haunted hotels Travel Channels list of haunted hotels This is one wicked website showing you haunted hotels you can sleep in Nice listing of Haunted Hotels A really nice list of haunted hotels Websites to Find Haunted AttractionsSimply the best website to find haunted housesAnother Awesome website to find haunted houes is www.HauntedHouseOnline.om The absolute best site to find haunted houses. This is another awesome site to find haunted houses. Photos of Real Haunted HousesVery nice site with tons of photos Really nice site with tons of photos Photos from Europe Haunted Alton offers some photos These guys have a ton of haunted photos Haunted PrisonsHaunted Prisons in Ohio Stories about Alcatraz One of the most famous prisons in Ohio (MansField) A story about Mansfield Prison Ghost Hunt Official site for Alcatraz Tours Probably the best site about Alcatraz Another super famous Prison, which they claim is haunted in Philly Iowa largest prison with museum Haunted RestaurantsThe most famous Haunted Restaurant attraction in the WORLD (New York) Most famous haunted restaurant in Saint Louis Haunted Bed and BreakfastsThe most famous! Another famous bed and breakfast About.com list of top 13 Bed and Breakfast USA Today has an amazing list of Haunted Bed and Breakfast locations Haunted Bed and Breakfast in Minnesota Another haunted one in Missouri A super nice list of haunted haunted inns and more Books on Real Haunted HousesHauntworld offers tons of books about haunted attraction industry About.com offers a list of the best haunted house books. Another good listing of haunted house books Book on haunted Inn’s across America These guys wrote a book about haunted inn’s across America About.com has a list of the best haunted inns in Massachusetts Magazine on Haunted Houses Movies Based on Real Haunted HousesWebsite devoted to the Amityville Murders and House Fangoria Horror Movie Reviews Great Site to find movies about haunted houses Thousands of Horror Movie Reviews Really Cool Horror Review Site Magazines for Haunted HousesMagazine for the haunted house industry On Line Paranormal Magazine Ghost Story / Ghost Hunting Links Welcome to Hauntworld.com list of creepy ghost hunting, paranormal, and ghost story links. Below find websites that can help you find creepy real haunted houses, ghost stories, and ghost hunters. Happy Hunting! More Links below. The Story of the Lemp MansionThe city of St. Louis, the capital of Missouri, is home to what may consider to be one of the most haunted places in the country: the Lemp Mansion. In fact, the Lemp Mansion was ranked by Life Magazine in the 1980s as one of the top nine most haunted places in America. Built in 1868, William J. Lemp and his wife, Julia, moved into the mansion in 1876.
Haunted OhioThere are countless areas and places throughout the country where strange occurrences and supernatural phenomenon seem to take place. And while it would be difficult to label one single state as the most haunted in America (bizarre happenings surely occur in every state), paranormal experts seem to agree that there’s no doubt that the majority of hauntings and paranormal activity centers around once specific place in the U.S. – Ohio. The Midwestern state along with its neighboring states comprise a major paranormal hotspot in the country; chances are, you’re never more than a stone’s throw away from an area where something rather strange has happened.
The Most Haunted Places in CaliforniaDisneyland: Anaheim, California
Ghost Towns in TexasIn the mood for a real fright? Spend the month of October spooking yourself from visits to some of the scariest ghost towns in the state of Texas. You are sure to be frightened by the dilapidated, eerie ruins that are left in these towns.
Myrtles Plantation - Saint Francisville Parish, Louisiana by Joz Badough:
As far back as I can remember I have been mesmerized with Myrtles Plantation. The first time I ever laid eyes on The Myrtle’s was via the television series “Unsolved Mysteries” with Robert Stack, (remember the guy that always wore a trench coat regardless of the weather) where he profiled real-life mysteries with cheesy reenactments and at the end of the show would inevitable wrap it up with the slogan line “if you know anything about the… call 1800Unsolved“ or something like that. That was when I got my first peek at the controversial picture of “Chloe’s shadow” standing outside the courtyard next to the kitchen. Was this photo for real? Or did someone take the time to pain stakening fake this photo for national attention? Do let me note… this picture was taken before the day and age of digital photography and whilst adobe photoshop was still in its conception stages… Decades would pass before I would actually get the chance to visit this captivating piece of history. Not only was I drawn to the mystery and possibility of it being haunted, the history and culture of the area had me enthralled as well. Even as a child something told me I would be there, one day, I would stand in this home I had only seen pictures of and read stories about… one day I may be able to actually experience a “ghostly experience” at Myrtles Plantation. Life would take me for a loop and then another… I got distracted with work, family then drama and more drama. I would eventually end up relocating to Louisiana, a ghost hunter’s paradise. Many Sunday afternoon drives would lead us past the old plantation home that was neatly tucked behind a thicket of trees hidden from the casual passerby. Each time only getting a glimpse of the sign that read “The Myrtles Plantation - Circa 1796 - "One of America's Most Haunted Homes".
Months later I get an email from a girlfriend; I have been begging her to make the short three hour trip to visit me here in sugar cane country for almost a year now. It seems she had some coworkers that were just as curious about the Myrtle’s as I was. We plan our stay on a weekend that was as close to the full moon as we could get thinking that would guarantee paranormal activity!
Weeks pass and our Myrtle’s weekend finally arrives. My girlfriends get to the house hungry and eager to start our trip. We opt for a local Mexican restaurant with happy hour margaritas. After getting our fill we head the car in the right direction to head north, but not before stopping at the local daiquiri hut to load up on some tasty liquid refreshments for the thirty minute drive. Thanks to the lingering margaritas and the fresh daiquiris, the Baton Rouge rush hour traffic was much more tolerable!
Lively conversation and unpredictable traffic seemingly cut the trip time in half. By the time we reach Saint Francisville my face and gut are already cramping in unison and I am gasping to get enough air to finish the next onslaught of laughter… at this point I am not sure I will make it thru the weekend without going into cardiac arrest from the constant irregular breathing patterns.
After much confusion with the barrage of directions we were given we see the sign. An older somewhat dilapidated hand painted sign that has faded in years of sunlight. As we turn into the driveway the once lively and wound up group turns silent… the view ahead sets a theme that makes you feel as if you have stepped back in time. The alleyway that serves as the road is draped with a mix of age-old crepe myrtles and oaks that are laced with hanging moss. The sun peering through anywhere he could get a chance to force his rays through the thick brush of leaves overhead... and there, up to the right, there she sat… Myrtle’s Plantation Home. Tears filled my eyes as I released I had finally arrived at the place I have longed for, for so many years.
We practically barrel out of the car with our luggage hoping to catch the last “Mystery Tour” of the day, however we had missed it by 10 minutes or so. The door to the Gift Shop/Check In Desk is closed and locked… luckily we find our keys to our room hung on the hook along with a makeshift map of the place highlighting our designated sleeping quarters for the evening.
We find that our key only fits one door to the back of the building. Immediately upon opening this door there is a flight of stairs. The narrow staircase was enveloped with two walls on either side and at a forty-five degree angle straight up! Now I have been told, and it is evident when looking at the clothes that were made back then, that people of this era were small in stature. Very very small, at least in comparison to this 5’6” couple hundred pound german-irish girl. Each step couldn’t have been more than 8” wide, which made for a clumsy trip both up and down when one has a size 11 shoe!
The stairs lead up to a lobby styled hard wood floored area with two rooms on each of the longest walls. At the end of the lobby behind the staircase are stationed two “modern” bathrooms equipped with showers. Erie dark portraits grace the walls. I am still not sure if they painted them that dark back in the day or just the centuries of fireplace soot and cigar smoke have turned them a dull dark color. The doors after years of the house settling leave a slight gap where one could peek up and see the ceiling in the rooms. We note that the room directly across from us has a light on… room number 11. We ask the night time curator if there were guests in that room, to the best of her knowledge no. The next day, when thumbing thru the photo album of eerie pictures sent by previous visitors we would note that that particular room light was always on… when asking our breakfast host, why the light was on, he stated “I must have just left it on when cleaning yesterday…” however, when asked again later he simply looked away while stating… “I don’t know nothing, alls I do is cook and clean around here…”
Our rooms are side by side with a suite door in the middle; supposedly one of these rooms was the “nursery” all too long ago… we assumed the other was the “nanny’s” room. The rooms were dressed in “period” furniture with armoires and a few portraits purportedly painted during that “era”. To add to the creep factor, there is seemingly some sort of door in every nook and cranny… you know those small doors that look like they are made for midgets that lead into the attic area… the ones where creepy things always happen on horror movies. To add to that, all the “small” doors are padlocked shut keeping us from being able to satisfy our curiosity about “what is really behind that door and where does it really go to?”.
It is still daylight so we walk around the property and snap shots of the breathtaking scenery. The hanging moss and thicket of trees reflect the epitome of South Louisiana. There is stillness in the air, and the good ol’ southern humidity and heat is causing us to sweat out more than we can drink. Though small town life is only a mere couple hundred yards away, and you could hear the steady hum of traffic passing in the short distance, there was an eerie sense of having been sucked back in time. As we walked the ground there was an undeniable sense of something “engulfing” you… was it just the mere energy of being in the presence of such history? Was it the beauty of the moss laced trees before the sunset? Or was it the feeling of being watched from behind the lacy curtains that graced each window to the home?
After a bit of walking and talking and sweating like a whore in church, we opted to hit the onsite dinner for some refreshments and a snack before planning our next activity. Fortunately our rowdy bunch is seated in the back of the restaurant away from the other “casual diners”. Our waitress is dressed in uniform as she greets us. At this point we can only decide on for water as the alcohol and humidity have dehydrated us almost beyond repair. As we mull over the menu, we laugh at the local cuisine, one of the items being “turtle soup”. Upon her return the waitress overhears our comments about the soup and proceeds to tell us a story. Mind you, the woman is about 4’10” tall, and when she opens her mouth you can tell she is pure bred Cajun. She proceeds to tell us about the time her young son had a “rich” friend over for dinner, he loved the soup so much he asked for more without knowing what he was eating… and just when we thought it couldn’t get any worse she continues with a story on how they caught that turtle for that soup. You see, it was a snapping turtle. And what’s the best way to get him to stick his head out than to put a stick in front of its nose, at which point he reaches out and snaps onto the stick, therefore affording them the opportunity to drive a nail in its head to kill it…
I thought my guests were going to fall out of their chairs. I am muffling my laughter so hard from the inside that I believe I have caused myself a hernia as I watch the shade of green slowly fade and turn back to pink as the look of horror still graces their faces. As the lady walks off to get our order to the kitchen I burst out with laughter and said… “you gotta love the locals!”
Okay, okay so even after the horror story, I still had to try the turtle soup… I mean come on we eat oysters and crawfish, why not try it? Everyone at the table agreed that it was quiet tasty, and fortunately there were no big “chunks” of turtle to chew on… we can now all say that we have had “turtle soup”.
We gathered out on the courtyard to enjoy the last few minutes of the night. We were joined by two other girls that had given us a tour of the main part of the house to which only they had access to at the time. This portion of the house housed the infamous “mirror” and “seventeenth step”…. We discussed the things that people have reported happening to them throughout the ages and how supposedly a crucifix was balanced on the bed of the guests from the night before. We compared stories on the history of the house and who actually haunts the place. And once again, just when you thought it couldn’t get any creepier, not one, not two but THREE black cats show up in the courtyard. Mostly skittish and not fond of being held, one eventually took up residence in my comrade’s lap.
Now let me interrupt myself here and share an insignificant but hilarious story. As we are sitting around the table next to the water fountain, enjoying the view of the right near full moon and stars, a toad makes his way onto the courtyard bricks. One of the black cats spots him immediately and heads toward him. When suddenly a woman in our group jumps up and heads toward the toad to save him. My heart cooed at the sight of someone so diligently trying to save the life of a fellow creature, I imagined she was going to set him aside perhaps in a potted plant to spare his life from its predator. When suddenly she scoops up the toad and hurls him a good five yards off into the grass… the collective sound of gasps and the looks of horror on each woman’s face was enough to write an entire Saturday Night Live skit about... no the toad didn’t make it… evidently it was paralyzed from its fall and became dinner to the black cat after all… it was definitely one of those “you had to be there” moments…
After dinner we retire to our “lobby” area outside our room and play the “angel board”. Mind you the “angel board” is merely an Ouija board “dressed up” with a picture of an angel in the middle with no “goodbye” on the bottom. I had read somewhere that there was no proof that the infamous “Chloe” ever existed. To those of you not familiar with the stories… Supposedly there was a black house maid named Chloe that was “forced” to have an affair with the Master. She was later caught eavesdropping at which point the master cut off her ear and forced her to work manual labor in the field. Purportedly, to earn back the respect and her value as a house maid (which was by far an easier job than a field worker) she baked a birthday cake with oleander leaves which contain arsenic, as she knew how to “cure” those with arsenic poisoning, she was sure she could nurse them all back to health and earn her place in the home once again. However, she used too many oleander leaves and inevitably killed the wife and two daughters. Rumor has it that she confessed to the grounds slaves what she had done, hoping that one would have a better idea on how to save the dying women, but to no avail. She was “lynched” or hung in the front yard and her body was thrown into the river. It is still not known whether she was lynched by the master or the other slaves that were trying to show her mercy. Meanwhile there is no record of her anywhere, and according to the records one of these girls she supposedly poisoned grew up to a ripe old age.
So alas, back to the story, when we asked the “board” if Chloe was for real it said no, but Cleo was… we were clueless of who “Cleo” was as we had never heard anything of the like and thought the board was just playing tricks on us. The next morning at breakfast as we thumbed thru a “Myrtles History” book, it was stated that a voodoo priestess by the name of Cleo was in fact hired by the family to heal a dying daughter. When the daughter did not survive, they killed the priestess!
After having been creeped out enough by the “angel board”… we donned for bed and debated as to whether or not we get to sleep with the lights on, our room won and we got to keep the bathroom light on! We hunkered down, said our “good night john boy’s” and settled in for a good sleep. As my girlfriend and I lay in bed, suddenly I was overcome with fear… I tried in vain to find interesting things to talk about just to keep her awake. For some reason a fear had crept into my normally calm demeanor, was I picking up empathically the fear that was in the room from all the years gone past? Or was it simply residual upset from having the bejezus scared out of me by the two pranksters throughout the day and I was laying there waiting for their next antic?
Then suddenly there was a scuffling on the floor at which point in unison we said “did you hear that?” no sooner did the words leave our mouth did the end of our bed start shaking violently, only to be followed by the thunderous laughter of our suitemates! Seems Miss Prankster number One had crawled, on her hands and knees mind you, CRAWLED into our room and shook the edge of our bed, all the while her roomie was “faking conversation” in the other room to make us think they were BOTH in bed. Well that was all my already fragile nerves could handle. And not to mention the numerous other antics this set of pranksters had pulled throughout the day, I knew I was in for a very long night! For instance Miss Prankster number 2, had the most hideous sounding recording on her phone… it sounded like the voice off of the movie “when a stranger calls”… in a breathy airy voice it said “ihhhh seeeee youuuu”… needless to say, regardless how many times she played the damn thing it still got a rise out of us and never got old!
After damn near skinning the prankster we all settled back in, at which point my bedmate had fallen fast asleep as I lay there with my eyes wide shut. My heart was pounding, my mind was carrying out the wildest of scenarios then desperately trying to find my “spirituality” again and ground myself. At this point nothing was helping me calm down. I had not been this scared since I was a child. As I lay there trying in vain to get my mind off of “scary” things and starting to calm a bit I felt as if someone was standing over the bed staring down at me. I contemplated opening my eyes to prove to myself there was nothing there, then the thought occurred to me, “what IF something was really there?”… I would surely end up in the insane asylum. Squinting my eyes together even tighter I rolled over to face my bed mate… I called her name a few times before she opened her eyes… this is the conversation verbatim…
In a tone right above whispering… “Pam? Pam?… I can’t go to sleep; I’m scared for some reason…”
She bats her eyes open like a sleepy child waking and closes them and says… “hmmm, say ten Hail Mary’s and go back to sleep”…
Okay I thought, I have long since abandoned my catholic belief system and a part of me was afraid doing such praying would disturb if not piss off the eternal house guests, but at this point it was worth a shot… so I prayed…
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