ABOUT "Sioux Falls Zombie Walk"
On Saturday, October 24th, The Sioux Falls Zombie Walk is proud to announce the Zombie Walk, judged by a panel of undead aficionados! Not to fret. The Sioux Falls Roller Dollz have it all under control. Spectators of all ages will line the streets of historic downtown to enjoy the frights and sounds of Halloween through floats, entertainment and best of all – ZOMBIES!!
For the past 10 years, the Sioux Falls Zombie Walk has attracted an audience and participants of ever growing numbers, last year the event saw active participation of 1800 walkers and another 3000 spectators. The Sioux Falls Zombie Walk has become the most anticipated Halloween event of the season.
This year’s event will not be exclusively for the walking dead. We are opening up the parade to include ANYONE that wants to come down in costume and precede the zombies in our Halloween Parade. Our goal is to make this parade an annual event the whole community can enjoy.
The parade is an excellent opportunity for your business, organization or family and friends to showcase your creativity as you prepare for the Halloween season. Your group’s entry will be seen by thousands of people that evening. We anticipate some VERY creative entries, so let your creative juices ooze and scare our socks off!
The Halloween Parade entries and Zombie Walkers will compete for a multitude of awards and prize packages, judged by (a panel of un-dead aficionados.)
Undeadly Yours,We hope you and your group are as excited and enthusiastic about this event as we are at the Sioux Falls Zombie Walk headquarters! Start BRAINStorming your ideas, and get them down on paper. Then come be a part of the celebration to kick-off the 10th Annual Sioux Falls Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade.
Escape Rooms
Suitable for all guests and families (HALLOWEEN FUN)
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Sioux Falls Zombie Walk PHOTOS