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ABOUT "Eagle Hollow Haunts"
Eagle Hollow Haunts Nebraska's Premeire SCREAM Park "Scariest Nebraska Haunt" 2019 - Travelnoire. $25 Haunt pass Including the Darklands, Night Terrors and Luminon, Firepits, Karaoke, E.R. Bar (Emergency Refreshments) and full concessions. See below for more. Luminon: (ALL new for 2019!) Nebraska's premiere 3D Haunted House! Take a journey to the planet Luminon a lush and beautiful alien world. You must wear your safety glasses while on Luminon and be sure to be back before dark. While it is a beautiful planet to visit by day, the nocturnal inhabitants can be dangerous. Enjoy your trip! Night Terrors: (ALL new in 2018) Poor little Penney got caught in her dreams. If you get trapped in her Night Terrors, maybe she can finally escape. Darklands: Anything but a walk in the park! Climb on the bus and you will transported to a land of darkness. The area has become a gathering place for those characters that don't fit in to normal life. It's just you and your friends, walking in the Darklands. You are also invited to partake in a number of minor attractions throughout the grounds, These items are included with the basic admission to the haunt grounds. Attractions include: The E.R. Bar (Emergency Refreshments) includes themed alcoholic beverages served by Dr. Shots and Nurse Ivy. Fire pits for telling your own ghost stories or roasting your marshmallows/hot dogs, Scary-oke (nothing is scarier than karaoke) and live DJ music, Full event concessions
617South 238th Street, Eagle, Nebraska, 68347

Haunted Houses

Recommended for Guests 16 and over (VERY SCARY)

Haunted House
Haunted Trails
3D Haunted House
Live Music
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Ticket And Price Information
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General Admission: $25 3 haunts, Scary-oke, firepits, E.R Bar, concessions VIP Pass: $40 Skip the lines! Gate Pass: $5 Great for Chaperones. NO haunt access. Please contact for group rates.
We are open 7:30-midnight Fridays and Saturdays October 4th - November 1st. 7:30 10:00 on Thursday the 17th and Sunday the 27th for those that can't make the weekends! Ticket office closes 1 hour before closing times. There is a lot to experience and the later you arrive, the less chance you will see all the attractions. Please arrive early in the evening. (Remember, the earlier in the year, the shorter the lines.)


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617South 238th Street, Eagle, Nebraska, 68347
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